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Texas Renal Coalition
This group helps make legislators aware of the need
to pass bills for Kidney Disease Education,
Awareness and Treatments.
Their Mission is to lead in the prevention and mitigation of risks, effects, and burdens of Chronic Kidney Disease through advocacy and education. The Texas Renal Coalition has represented patients and families with kidney disease for almost 20 years, providing public awareness of the disease, promoting educational resources among the numerous councils, agencies, and legislative bodies involved with kidney and related issues, and advocating change where needed of state and federal programs. The TRC does this through a network of partners. The TRC is an all-volunteer coalition with no office at this time. It depends on concerned citizens and corporate and private foundations for its support and receives no funds from the state or federal governments.
Ways YOU can help make a difference:
There are many ways to help bring about change to help with Kidney Disease awareness and education.
Contacting your representatives for bills
Writing letters to your representatives
Sharing your story
support group meets for the encouragement, education, and
Donate Life Texas
Donate Life Texas is the only, official organ and tissue donor registry of the State of Texas. Registering takes only moments but can be the gift of a lifetime for those in need of a transplant. For more information go to

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