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We need your support!

Donations stay local and help us provide assistance for those in need in the Lubbock and West Texas Area.

Volunteers are also needed for several of our events and helping to spread the word is always appreciated!

Living Donation - Learn More about how you can make a difference


How your donations help:

How you can help!

Donations to the SPKF stay local and help those dealing with kidney disease in the Lubbock and West Texas Area. Donations are used to help those in need directly through our Patient Services Fund, as well as help us to provide free education and awareness about kidney disease to patients, families and the community.

The SPKF is LOCAL and NOT affiliated with ANY National Organizations
Stickers are $3.00/each and HALF will be donated to the SPKF!

Patient Services Fund:

The SPKF provides financial help to needy patients. Starting in October 2013 SPKF has been able to help patients with $25,000 worth of assistance annually.
• Primary assistance is given for: Transportation to dialysis treatments, nutritional supplements, food, assistance and emergency assistance. Through the Dialysis and Transplant Center Social Workers
The SPKF helps with things that insurance
does not cover.
There are over 1000 people on Dialysis in the Lubbock Area, many have to travel longer distances to their treatments and most insurance does not pay for transportation.  Hemodialysis treatments are 3 days/week for 4 hours/day
Items most purchased for patients:
Bolton Gas Vouchers $10 each
United Gift Cards $10 each
Citiaccess tickets $2.00 each way
Walmart Gift Cards $10 each
Medication assistance $20-$200

Your donations directly help those in need,
dealing with kidney disease,
in the Lubbock and West Texas Area!

Any donation amount will help!
The SPKF is a 501c3 and donations are tax deductible
Tax ID #23-7193782

Your Impact for the

COVID-19 Food Pantry 2020

Your support allowed us to make needed food boxes for patients and their families that were not able to go to the store, or find the necessary dietary items during COVID-19


Sign up for Emails
and Events

Feel free to contact us with any questions!

PO BOX 65356
Lubbock, Texas 79464
ph: 806-283-7357

You can also message us through the chat symbol to the right
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